Shoko Morimura (Aika Yukihira) is a 36-year-old single mother who has been in a "friendship" with Kazuki Kitada (Sho Aoyagi),whom she met again at a high school reunion. For some reason, a 17-year-old girl, Saki Yamada (Akari Takaishi),whom Kazuki was taking care of, grows jealous of Shoko and causes an incident. This leads to a break-up, and Shoko is disappointed in Kazuki's defense of the young Saki. Second part of a two-part film adaptation of the popular manga by Yoriko Minato. Directed by Hideo Jojo of On the Edge of Their Seats fame.
Cast & Crew
- Aika Yukihira , Sho Aoyagi , Moemi Katayama , Shinya Niiro , Akari Takaishi , Yohta Kawase , Katsunobu Ito , Mayumi Terashima
- Hideo Jojo