Newark is the location for more antique buying and selling, with presenter Tim Wonnacott and experts Jeremy Lamond and Paul Laidlaw. Tim visits a stately home with a certain American heritage.
Lewes 5
Ardingly 9
Lewes 6
Ardingly 10
Lewes 7
Hungerford 13
Ardingly 11
Edinburgh 1
Hungerford 14
Lewes 8
Edinburgh 2
Kingston 15
Edinburgh 3
Ardingly 12
Kingston 16
Liverpool 17
Edinburgh 4
Liverpool 18
Liverpool 19
Liverpool 20
Peterborough 21
Peterborough 22
Hungerford 25
Peterborough 23
Peterborough 24
Newark 29
Hungerford 26
Newark 30
Cheltenham 27
Newark 31
Cheltenham 28
Newark 32