Natasha Raskin Sharp is in Harrogate with experts Richard Madley and Roo Irvine and the teams. Natasha soaks up the atmosphere of the fair while giving her top tips on how to bag a bargain.
BBC Children In Need Special
Detling 29
Christmas Special - Detling 30
Cheltenham 5
Shrewsbury 9
Ardingly 1
Harrogate 17
Southwell 13
Eccleston 21
Wrexham 25
Cheltenham 6
Ardingly 2
Southwell 14
Shrewsbury 10
Eccleston 22
Harrogate 18
Wrexham 26
Detling 31
Ardingly 3
Cheltenham 7
Shrewsbury 11
Cheshire 23
Southwell 15
Harrogate 19
Ardingly 4
Wrexham 27
Cheltenham 8
Southwell 16
Cheshire 24
Shrewsbury 12
Harrowgate 20
Wrexham 28