Ramona is a Mexican telenovela, based on the 1884 novel Ramona by Helen Hunt Jackson. It aired in 2000 on Televisa and was written by Lucy Orozco and Humberto Robles. This production featured Kate Del Castillo as Ramona and Eduardo Palomo as Alejandro.
- Action & Adventure, Drama
- Spanish
Cast & Crew
- Tony Dalton , Kate del Castillo , Eduardo Palomo , Helena Rojo , René Strickler , Sergio Sendel , Vanessa Bauche , Felipe Nájera
- Alberto Cortés, Helen Hunt Jackson, Lucy Orozco
- Felipe Nájera, Lucy Orozco, Humberto Robles, Alberto Cortés, José Tamez, Nicolás Echevarría, Lucy Orozco, Francisco Sánchez