"Shut Up!"
Anthony and Ian revolutionize the world of dance forever when they slip into blue unitards, determined to win a competition. But will a dark secret keep them from dancing glory?
Hardcore Max 2
Ian's First Girlfriend
That Damn Prison Break
LeVar Burton Buys Smosh (April Fools)
Anthony's Death
Anthony's Resurrection
Anthony is Mexican
Grammar Police
I Heart Burgers
A Hairy Situation w/ Billy Mays
A Very Hairy Situation w/ Billy Mays
Washington's First Video Blog
Food Battle 2009
The Ultimate Shoedown
Bigfoot is Gay
If Movies Were Real
Four Years Foreplay (Feat. I Set My Friends On Fire)
Twilight: New Moon Deleted Scenes 1
Twilight: New Moon Deleted Scenes 2
Twilight: New Moon Deleted Scenes 3
Mighty Smoshin POWER RANGERS
Kid Craps Himself in Drift Car!
Pizza Zombies!
X-mas: Santa's Search History!
X-mas: Osama's First Christmas
X-mas: Santa Gets Down