Great Dangaioh is a 13-episode anime TV series that ran from 5 April 2001 through 5 July 2001 on TV Asahi in Japan. It was created and directed by Toshiki Hirano, and produced by AIC. Hirano's wife, Narumi Kakinouchi, was the animation director for episodes 1 and 3. Great Dangaioh is related to Dangaioh. Although initially it appears to be an unconnected series reusing similar plot concepts, late in the series it is revealed that Great Dangaioh is, in fact, a sequel to the original OVA.
- Animation, Comedy, Action & Adventure
- Japanese
Cast & Crew
- Masumi Asano , Ayako Kawasumi , Chihiro Suzuki , Manabi Mizuno , Mayumi Shou , Satsuki Yukino , Akira Kamiya , Akira Kamiya
- Toshiki Hirano
- Toshiki Hirano