Following their previous encounter with Space Monster M, The Aquabats crash-land back on Earth, awakening to realize they have no memory of what happened or who they are. Hailed as heroes by the adoring public, the band starts slowly piecing together their identities. After managing to destroy a rampaging mutated Ronmark (from the episode "Night of the Cactus!"),the band find themselves overwhelmed with demands from citizens seeking their help.
- Action & Adventure
Cast & Crew
- Chad Larson , James R. Briggs, Jr , Richard Falomir , Ian Fowles , Christian Jacobs , Mr. Lawrence
- Christian Jacobs, Scott Schultz, Jason DeVilliers
- Scott Schultz, Justin Lyon, Sander Schwartz, Nate Rogers, Ritamarie Peruggi, Jon Berrett, Irene Oncley, Bob Higgins