In the aftermath of a devastating apartment fire, Jenny Cooper struggles to control a dangerous new outlet for her anxiety. Meanwhile, a witness to the fire draws Detective Donovan McAvoy into a hidden side of the city. Jenny must trust her instincts, as her father’s dementia worsens, her son turns 18, and her now-live-in boyfriend Liam is confronted by his own push and pull with death.
- Drama, Crime, Mystery
- English
Cast & Crew
- Serinda Swan , Roger Cross , Ehren Kassam , Éric Bruneau , Kiley May , Tamara Podemski , Andy McQueen , Nicholas Campbell
- Morwyn Brebner
- Sean Reycraft, Morwyn Brebner, Peter Emerson, Suzanne Colvin-Goulding, Jonas Prupas, Brett Burlock, Adrienne Mitchell