"The most exciting TV show in a generation"
The final series sees the return of several characters from the first two generations of the show.
This series follows the lives of sixth form students Tony Stonem, Michelle Richardson, Sid Jenkins, Cassie Ainsworth, Chris Miles, Jal Fazer, Maxxie Oliver and Anwar Kharral.
This series follows the lives of sixth form students Tony Stonem, Michelle Richardson, Sid Jenkins, Cassie Ainsworth, Chris Miles, Jal Fazer, Maxxie Oliver, Anwar Kharral and new character Lucy "Sketc...
This series sees the introduction of a new cast; it follows the lives of sixth form students Effy Stonem, Pandora Moon, Thomas Tomone, James Cook, Freddie McClair, JJ Jones, Naomi Campbell, and twin s...
Like the previous series, this series follows the lives of the second generation, which consists of Effy Stonem, Pandora Moon, Thomas Tomone, James Cook, Freddie McClair, JJ Jones, Naomi Campbell, and...
This series sees the introduction of a new cast; it follows the lives of the third generation of characters, which consists of Franky Fitzgerald, Rich Hardbeck, Mini McGuinness, Liv Malone, Alo Creeve...
Like the previous series, it follows the lives of the third generation of characters, which consists of Franky Fitzgerald, Rich Hardbeck, Mini McGuinness, Liv Malone, Alo Creevey, brothers Nick and Ma...
Fire (1)
Fire (2)
Pure (1)
Pure (2)
Rise (1)
Rise (2)